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Is your ROI influenced by people's interaction with your technology investments?

  • Personal Safety
  • Production Speed
  • Production Quality
  • Production "up-time"
  • Maintenance & repair costs
  • Brand reputation


Could you increase he ROI from your training budget?

  • Distributed student/client base
  • Small class size
  • Different learning styles
  • Different languages
  • Consistent training
  • Just in time training
  • 24/7 availability
  • Verification of training participation, achievement and historic record
  • Chunk training down to micro elements enabling targeted training to address performance diagnostics
  • Recall redundant or archived training
  • On demand by user "new skill" or "refresher"
  • Internal company training (eg policy or product) - eg safety training (Question of the day)
  • Rapid roll out of new product, procedure, edict etc.


Do you have the following circumstances?

  • Ongoing need for enterprise based training & or knowledge management
  • For either participant numbers or geographical reasons traditional economical class size is wasteful
  • A critical part of the content is enterprise specific
  • Need for rapid deployment of critical learning
  • Seeking a system to embrace continuous learning with the efficiency of just in time